A Helping Hand In A Time Of Need

Tyler Perry Reveals Why He Helped Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Before He Even Met Them

A Helping Hand in a Time of Need

Tyler Perry has opened up about the generous act of kindness he extended to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex before he even had the pleasure of meeting them. In an interview with Gayle King, Perry explained that he was deeply moved by the couple's decision to step back from royal duties and live a more private life.

A Safe Haven Amidst Uncertainty

When Harry and Meghan arrived in California in March 2020, Perry offered them a safe haven in his Beverly Hills home. The couple had been searching for a secure and private place to settle down, and Perry's spacious estate provided them with the perfect retreat.

Perry's decision to help the couple stemmed from a desire to support their journey and provide them with the privacy they sought. "I just wanted to do something that would make them feel safe and comfortable," Perry said. "I wanted them to know that they were not alone."


Tyler Perry's unwavering kindness and compassion towards the Duke and Duchess of Sussex serves as a testament to the power of human connection. His actions remind us that even in the face of adversity, there are always those willing to lend a helping hand and create a safe and supportive environment for those in need.

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